Feb 27 2012

Sensory Images and Rockets!

Posted at 7:49 pm under Bucher

Today Mr. Nored started his full time teaching and what a way to start!  He did such a great job today really engaging the children and facilitating great conversations with the children.

We began a study of sensory images today.  We talked about how in great books there is often really good descriptions that make us feel that we are there (whether it is by the descriptions of the smells, tastes, feel, seeing, or sound).  This afternoon for Writer’s Workshop Mr. Nored led a wonderful lesson on how if you look at a white and black banana you only see a little bit of the banana.  If you look at a yellow banana printed on a paper, you see a bit more, but if you look and smell and touch and taste a real banana then you are that much more engaged and interested.  We then talked about how with books the more descriptive we are the more interested the reader is because you are making them feel like they are a part of whatever the description is.  It was such a great experience that made all of the children want a banana!  Selam after Mr. Nored was finished with his lesson said, “I am going to eat a banana after school!”

Mr. Nored also led a discussion today on what we knew about rockets and then any questions we have about rockets.  There were some good ideas like Sydney’s idea of “you have to count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1” and Jonah’s idea of “one goes in space and in space the other part detaches.”  Some questions that the children were wondering about were Emily’s question of “Can they bring food in rockets?”

Tomorrow we are going to do quite a bit surrounding the idea of rockets so we are excited to show you some pictures of tomorrow’s events!


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