Archive for February, 2012

Feb 21 2012

Profile Image of Miss Estridge

Musical Instruments

Filed under Estridge,School 60

Today we played with new musical instruments. There were drums, bells, and a rainstick. We had fun!

Aaliyah and Daysia work together to use the bell. Leah and Jo'Vyon share a new drum.

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Feb 19 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Bucher

Tuesday evening Basketball Game

Filed under Bucher

Hello hello!  This coming Tuesday, February 21st Mrs. Clark and I will be attending the last home game this year for the Butler Men’s Basketball team.  I know some families have been going to the last few games especially because Mr. Nored is playing.  If anyone is planning on going to the game that night, please let me know so we can meet up at the game so you can take a poster to celebrate Mr. Nored and his last home game at Hinkle.


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Feb 17 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Clark

Recycling Project

Filed under Clark,School 60

We are about 3 months into our recycling program!  I was so overjoyed today to see how excited the kids were to collect recycling!  I thought after a few weeks of doing it the kids would be bored or tired of walking to all the classrooms in the school.  Well let me tell you I was wrong!  Today, as we lined up to recycle, the kids cheered!  David even said, “We are recycling superheros!  We are saving the planet!”  As we walked outside, Dorothy made up a recycling song.


Our recycling project is going so well that the kids are now finding more ways to save the environment…


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Feb 16 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

A Worm Hunt!

Filed under Argus

Jenesis, the worm queen! I think she found about 4 or 5 worms!

Christian finds a big, juicy worm!
Friends share their worms with others.

For the past few weeks, we have been talking a lot about the possibility of having a school garden. Last week, Ruth brought in some worms which we were very intrigued by and exited about! Through some reading, we have learned that worms can actually benefit a garden. We also read a book with Miss Schmidt about composting and how worms and a compost pile can benefit gardens. Today, we decided we would like to start a worm compost in our classroom. When it gets warmer out, we will use the compost to help us start our garden! What does one need to start a worm compost? WORMS! This afternoon, we walked around the neighborhood on this cold, wet day (perfect for worm hunting) and found more than 20 worms- WOW!

Skipping on a clock.

We experience P.E. again with Butler friends. We were “growing” like a tree.

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Feb 16 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

VOGUE- Strike a Pose!

Filed under Argus

Regan and Miss Legg play a game together. We love our Butler friends so much!

Tajanaye on the “runway.”

Monica having a great time!

Hutton walks with confidence!

As you may know, this week, our class was introduced to the world of dress up. The kids have had so much fun using their imagination to create characters and scenarios for the stories they have created! Yesterday, Messi expressed interest in hosting a fashion show. I shared that it was New York Fashion Week and there had been many runway shows throughout the past few weeks to celebrate. Messi and his friends organized a troupe to dress up in fancy outfits and hit the runway. It was really neat to see Messi take a leadership role and tell friends how to line up, when to go down the runway, and demonstrate a pose they needed to strike at the end of the line. We even had a band playing music for our friends. One of the best parts was when the entire group went down the “runway” together laughing and singing. So much joy 🙂

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