Mar 06 2012

1, 2, 3, 4 Come On Friends Get on The Floor

Posted at 4:24 pm under Bucher

What a fun day today!  Enjoying this beautiful day was a highlight of the day for all of us!  We had a great time outside during recess.  Then we decided to have snack outside as a whole K/1 group, and it was so nice!  The children really enjoyed eating with friends from the other classes.  Afterwards we played a 1, 2, 3, 4, come on (insert name) hit the floor.  The children just loved cheering for friends as one at a time they went up and showed us their moves!  And let me tell you there were sdome serious dance moves going on so that was fun to see!

We also started making our space helmets and space suits today which was a blast!  There was a lot of conversation about how many helmets and space suits we need to be prepared to go into space.  We will see how many we have at the end, but all I know is that they are SO excited for space.  Tevona said, “Are we blasting off today?

Joseph sharing his moves during our time outside!

Jett making a paper mache helmet!

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