Mar 12 2012

The Space Suits are Coming!

Posted at 7:31 pm under School 60

Today Miss Robison (the student teacher in the Studio) came back from a week long professional development opportunity. As soon as she came back, I asked her to help with the space suits since I have no experience with sewing. In twenty minutes she was back with one of the space suits finished! We had Emily try it on since Cha’kyra was not there. It was so fun to see it in person! We cannot wait to see the rest come to life!

This week we are beginning to talk about inferring which is making deeper connections with the text by reading between the lines to see what is really happening. Mr. Nored opened by introducing Me Bags where he showed three objects (sunglasses which means he likes the outdoors and beach, a CD which means he loves music, and a piece of a basketball net which means he loves to play basketball). We were practicing making inferences based on the objects brought in. We are excited because starting today we sent home two bags where the children will be doing this. They will be bringing into school 3-5 objects that tell more about who they are and what they like. THe children were really excited about this so tomorrow we will see what Mekhi and Heaven have brought us that tell us a bit more about them!

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