Mrs. Clark
Just a reminder that next Thursday, March 22nd is this month’s Family Night! It will be at the school at 6:00pm.
In addition, the May Family Night has been changed to Friday, May 18th. More information will come as we get closer to the date, but it is going to have the theme of a school carnival.
Mrs. Bucher
Today after a wonderful day of being so engaged with their learning about inferring, math facts, the moon phases, and of course more space, we had a fun experience where we launched a foam rocket into the air. Each child had the opportunity to stomp on a pump which then launched the rocket. The children absolutely LOVED this time, and it also brought about some great conversations about force which we will explore more tomorrow.
Mrs. Argus
Friends working towards a common goal of creating the set for their production.
- Sascha and Angela work to retell a portion of the story. Angela is Goldilocks, Sascha chose to be the porridge/narrator! Who knew such a character existed?
During Writer’s Workshop this week, we have been retelling the story of Goldilocks using puppets in small groups. Yesterday, the kids created their puppets and started making scenery for their productions. Today, our friends were encouraged to begin working together to retell their story and work as a team. They have been dramatizing their stories with great dedication. Miss Schmidt and I were absolutley blown away by the kids’ display of negotiation, sharing, compromise, collaboration, and including of others. We realized that while they are practicing rich reading and writing skills by retelling in this way, our friends are probably getting just as much out of practicing working together, genuinely collaborating, and working towards a common goal. A sheer joy to be a part of today.
Da'Sean, Carriea, and Sascha come up with a new way to build. How did they do it? Putting their brains together!
- Aidan and Christian make furniture for their house.
Tags: collaboration, friendship, problem solving, writing
Mrs. Clark
Salih's tree creation.
The kids had the chance to explore with some natural wood materials today. Over the past few days we have had a few big conversations about the rings and trees and what they mean. The kids are excited to explore more about trees. Check back in a few days to see what we have learned!
Miss Estridge
Today we shared the drums we made with friends at recess.
Makay'la, La'Mount, and Raki listened to the drum sounds.
They enjoyed making music with our drums.
Jermaine, William, and La'Mount make music together.