Apr 12 2012


Posted at 10:42 pm under Clark,School 60

Today we started exploring the concept of photosynthesis.  Over the last few days we have been talking about how the trees help the earth. (When trees make their own food through photosynthesis, they also have left over oxygen that they push out into the air.)  At the beginning of our talks the kids could tell me that the trees take in the bad air and push out the good air.  While this is a simple explanation, I wanted them to know more!  My goal is for them to gain new vocabulary such as photosynthesis, oxygen, and carbon dioxide!  So today we experimented with this idea.  This morning I set up an experiment.  Together, we completely submerged an aquatic plant in water.  We then put it under a light that represented out “sunlight.”  As the kids watched me set this up Dorothy made an impressive prediction.  She said, “I think the water will turn bubbly.”  Reid helped her out by explaining that the good air would be the bubbles in the water.  As the day went on the kids were very excited to see what was going to happen to the plant.  At the end of the day each friend got a chance to closely observe it.  Many said, “I see bubbles!”  They were very excited about this!  We had a short conversation that the bubbles were made by the plant and the fancy word for the bubbles would be oxygen.  While this may seem like a intense topic, I know that after a few more experiments and experiences all of the kids will be able to explain photosynthesis!

David and Selah are observing the bubbles in the water.

Do you see the oxygen?!

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