May 15 2012

Bug Research

Posted at 4:21 pm under Argus

Today, we began bug research during Reader’s Workshop. In doing this, we are hoping to learn more about who benefits our garden and who may not. We have been talking about how readers have questions as they read, and tomorrow, we will be compiling more specific questions about each bug. I was so impressed with the kids’ cooperative skills as they worked together and discussed new information with one another.

Messi and Tajanaye begin research on butterflies.

Da’Sean and Monica talk about how ladybugs are a type of beetle.
Regan and Lucas read together about the snail. Did you know snails live both underwater and on land?
Maggie and Cameron investigate millipedes and centipedes.
At the end of our first research day, friends were invited to share what they learned about their bug. Carriea and Kaitlyn shared about Pill Bugs (roly polys).

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