Archive for May, 2012

May 29 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Bucher

Mystery Readers and Chickens/Garden Summer Opportunity

Filed under Bucher

I forgot to mention a couple of things in the previous post.  With us reading mysteries right now, I thought it would be fun to have a mystery reader each day (if possible) until the end of the school year.  We would do this whenever you would be available to come (or 3:00 if you are flexible).  I thought it would be fun if you were the mystery readers each day to read aloud a book to the class.  If you are interested in being a mystery reader (and mystery is important-not even your child can know!), let me know so we can set up a time!

We are looking for family’s to help take care of the garden and chickens this summer.  Your family could for one week take care of the chickens and the garden and in return take any eggs that are laid and enjoy the garden!  If you are interested, let me or Mrs. Argus know.


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May 29 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Bucher

Letters to incoming students and Mysteries!

Filed under School 60

Last week we started story workshop particularly creating stories to support our new students coming into our school community. This week our children are still working on their stories but they are writing letters to go along with their artwork story. There have only been three students who have started writing their letters (the rest our really engaged in creating their illustration of their story), and I have really been impressed with the length, vocabulary, and detail that has been out into them. Below is Jonah’s letter he wrote to a new friend.

This week and until school is out we are going to explore mysteries and how asking and answering questions throughout reading mysteries can create opportunities for better understanding and more critical thinking. Today we kicked off our mystery fun with reading “Jumanji”. The children were so engaged and so interested in predicting throughout the book that it created such a fun and exciting time to read aloud!


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May 29 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus


Filed under Argus

We have started a new tradition in our classroom: sharing appreciation. At the end of the week, we sit down as a class and talk about friends we appreciate and why. Its a time of such laughter and joy. We display many of the appreciations around our room to remind ourselves to always look for something positive in our friends. It has become many of our favorite part of the week (myself included). I have to share some of our appreciations from Thursday.

 I appreciate Christian because when its time for studio and explore and recess, he always plays with me and he makes nice cars. David

 I appreciate the chickens.  They always lay eggs for us. Aidan

  I appreciate this city. Because everyone in this city is nice to me. Journey

 I appreciate everyone that plays soccer with me at recess because they always let me play goalie. Cameron

 I appreciate Angela. Cuz shes already laughing! Jenesis

 I appreciate everyone because everyone is nice to me. Carriea

 I appreciate the garden because it gives us healthy food. Sascha

 I appreciate Cameron and Lucas because they play soccer with me at recess. Monica

I appreciate Regan because she always makes me laugh. Da’Sean

 I appreciate Lucas cuz hes always my best friend. Hutton

I appreciate the teachers because they let us play and they teach us stuff that we never heard and sometimes we learn new stuff that we didn’t know. Tajanaye

I appreciate Monica because she plays with me. David

I appreciate Michael and Aidan because when we go to recess we play police. Christian 

 I appreciate Sascha and Geneva because they hang upside down with me!  Journey

I appreciate Hutton because he plays with me and Cameron. Lucas

I appreciate Michael because we played run around the playground. Regan

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May 24 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Clark


Filed under Clark,School 60

This afternoon, we went out to our garden and picked some spinach.  The kids were so excited to actually use something that we have been growing for the last few weeks.

Messi, from Mrs. Argus' class showed us how to pick the spinach.

J'Nayla and Olivia are working together to pick the spinach.

After our picking, we went inside and made our salad.  Each friend had a salad full of spinach, mandarin oranges, apples, grapes, and strawberries.

We love our salad!

"Healthy food is so good!" ~Selah

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May 23 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Bucher

3-D Shapes

Filed under School 60

The last couple of weeks we have been studying geometry in our class. The beginning of this week we started making 3-D shapes using toothpicks and gum drops, and it was really interesting seeing what the children made. I talked about how 3-D shapes have multiple faces to them but I did not say specifically what each shape was because I wanted to see what the children would come up with on their own.

Today I introduced 3-D foam shapes during our morning choices and then during math workshop I challenged the children to work together to make those shapes out of gum drops and toothpick. We had a wonderful discussion on how hard it was to make a sphere with toothpicks and marshmallows because the toothpicks were so straight, but Isaac came up with using clay to help us make that curved part of the sphere.

Tomorrow we are going to use whatever materials we need to to make the 3-D shapes and then really discuss what the various shapes are so the children can name what they have been making all week!

Scaffolding the geometry experiences and allowing the children to really construct their own learning this way will hopefully make this information that they are learning about geometry and shapes last longer!



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