Archive for May, 2012

May 14 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Summer Chicken/Garden Families

Filed under Argus,Bucher,Clark,Estridge

Its hard to believe, but summer will be here in only four weeks! With six weeks of summer vacation, we would love to visit our girls every day, but us teachers are going to need some help! 

Would your family be interested in helping maintain our garden and chickens for a week over the summer? Send Mrs. Argus an email at and let her know! You are welcome to sign up with other families as well and share the responsibilities, or sign up for a whole week yourself. Chicken and garden stewardship is super fun and when maintained properly, should be very easy. Plus, you get free eggs and veggies- YUM!

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May 14 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Clark

School Carnival

Filed under Clark

Just a reminder:  our school carnival is this Friday, May 18th! It is from 6-8.  The kids are really excited about it!  We hope to see you all there!

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May 14 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Butterflies! Butterflies! Butterflies!

Filed under Argus

Regan notices our pea pods have formed in our garden!

Releasing our butterflies!
Go, butterflies go!
Journey creates butterfly puppets during story workshop.
Sascha and Journey begin to form their story. “I know Sascha’s butterfly is going to be the little one, and that is part of the problem! We have to work out the rest!” Journey
Hutton is inspired by Sascha and Journey’s puppets and creates an ant and a queen bee during Story Workshop.

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May 11 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Bucher

Astronaut Egg Drop

Filed under School 60

Today we had our egg drop and the kids just LOVED cheering for their friends and seeing which eggs stayed safe and which eggs broke. It was such a good experience for the children to hypothesize, conduct an experiment, and see if their hypothesis was correct. We might do this again to see if the children will make any changes to their houses.




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May 11 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Clark

Trees and Chickens!!

Filed under Argus,Clark,School 60

Mrs. Argus explaining her class' tree choices.

Over the past week, we have been writing letters to Mrs. Argus’ class about trees.  At the beginning of the week, they asked us if we could plant trees together.  We gave them four choices of trees; apple, cherry, maple, or pecan.  Today they came back with the research about each tree.  After we learned about each choice both classes voted together and we had two winners.  The kids picked apple and cherry!  Over the next few weeks we are going to be working on planting an apple and a cherry tree in our garden.


As our week came to a close, we finished our chicken responsibilities.  This afternoon we had to clean out the chicken coop!  Take a look at the pictures below:

Sophia cleaning out the coop.

David helping clean out the coop.

Selah and Olivia are putting new hay in the coop.

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