Aug 07 2012

First Day of School

Posted at 8:16 am under Estridge

We had a wonderful first day of school in room 107 yesterday!

It was a day full of building community and friendships. We spent a lot of our time familiarizing ourselves with the daily routine and procedures and learning what this whole kindergarten and first grade business is all about.

Our day began with morning choices. Students had the option of reading books, working on puzzles, or decorating name tags we’ll wear throughout the week. Once all students had arrived, we had our morning meeting, which consisted of instroducing ourselves, sharing our favorite superhero or Disney character, and singing a song about our shoes.

After morning meeting, we learned how to use the bathroom in our room. We also practiced our first readers workshop together. Students did a wonderful of finding a quiet spot in the room where they could do their best reading.

After readers workshop, we headed to recess and lunch! Upon returning we had a read or rest time, followed by math workshop. During math workshop, we explored one of the math materials we will be using this year, unifix cubes. Students made patterns, counted cubes, and worked together.

After a quick game of freeze dance, we turned our attention to the last workshop of the day, story workshop. I shared with students a story about my summer vacation, which I told using natural materials. Student then had the opportunity to tell their own stories using blocks, natural materials, or studio materials. Again, I was impressed to see how well students worked together and to hear stories already filled with characters, settings, and plots.

We ended our day with some yoga, free choice time, and a handful of “first day of school” books!

It was a full first day and a great way to start of our year together! I can’t wait for the months to come!

Kynden takes advantage of our read and rest time, so that she can reenergize for the remainder fo the day!

Abel and Ellie work on their stories during Story Workshop!

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