Aug 09 2012

I agree to…

Posted at 5:37 pm under Estridge,School 60

This week, we established a list of classroom agreements!

Students came up with ideas of things they could agree to do to help us have a peaceful environment where all students could do their best learning. The list we decided upon was:

1) I agree to be kind to everyone

2) I agree to be respectful

3) I agree to be peacful

4) I agree to treat our classroom/school with care

5) I agree to treat others the way I want to be treated

These are all things we have been referring back to this week! Feel free to talk to your child about these agreements at home!

Other exciting news…we began doing share time today. Seth shared what it looks like to be a good reader at the end of readers workshop. Salih shared what it looks like to be mathematician, and Aidan, Geneva, and John shared stories they created.

Seth shows us what great readers look like

Lastly, we began working with clay today. During our first free choice time, Ellie, Jaeda, and Davi learned how to use the clay and clay tools. During our second free choice time, those students were able to begin teaching other students how to use the clay. They did a wonderful job! Eventually, we will use clay during story workshop.

Our clay experts!

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