Aug 13 2012

“He tasted like juice, so I drank him up!”

Posted at 4:42 pm under Estridge

Today we began using clay in story workshop. I introduced clay last week to a handful of students during free choice time. Ellie, Davi, and Jaeda all became clay experts for our classroom.

Today was the first day that we used clay to tell stories though. Olivia created a story about her cat and her grandma’s dog at a family reunion. Olivia was then chosen to share her story during the sharing portion of our story workshop. Students listened quietly as she told her tale. I’m sure other students will continue to explore the power of clay within story workshop in the future!

Olivia tells her cat/dog/reunion story.

Ellie told a story using play-doh that involved a snowman:

“One time I heard the snow falling. I woke up and went and woke up my mom. We put on our coats and we went outside. We saw and snowman. I touched him and he melted. I tasted him and he tasted like juice, so I drank him up. Then end!”

Ellie shares her snowman story.

I can’t want to see what creative stories our students continue to tell through out the year!

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