Aug 15 2012

Compliments and Gifts

Posted at 4:41 pm under School 60

The last few days we have been talking about gifts that we possess. These gifts are “nice things that you give to people,” (as said by Maggie). Ashu then added that they do not have to be things that you hold-like friendship. Since we have talked about it we have been trying to use the language of gift giving to each other so that we can see what each other brings to the classroom. I will say,”I see that Noah is showing the gift of sharing because he is sharing the train with Isai.” We are going to continue to work on using this language in the classroom so that we can start to identify what gifts we each have.

During our Math Workshop lesson today we were learning about learning links and how to use them to aid in our problem solving. After we were finished doing some problems, each child had a chain of links in front of them. I then thought this would be a great time to give compliments to each other and link all of our chains together so that we can see that we cannot be our class if we do not have each friend there. We are not as strong by ourselves as we are as a group. The compliments that the children were giving were so sweet and genuine, and I know filled each friend’s bucket. We will do this compliment circle occasionally so that we can build our stamina for it as well as continue to get more specific and detailed with what we appreciate about it.



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