Aug 15 2012

The Gift of…

Posted at 8:20 am under Estridge

This week, we have started our gift wall. We had a conversation on Monday about gifts. What is gift that you might unwrap and open on your birthday? And what is the other kind of gift? The kind of gift you can’t open but can still give to others.

As a class, we began thinking about some of these gifts: friendship, helpfulness, leadership. Throughout the past couple of days, I have been taking pictures of students when I see them offering a gift to those around them. We then label this gift and put the word and the photo up on our gift wall.

Thus far, we have talked about the gift of helpfulness and the gift of teamwork.

It is my hope, that in the coming weeks and months, this wall will become covered with photos of children sharing their gifts with their friends and peers!

Celisha and Jackson show us the gift of teamwork, when they worked together to put the natural materials away.

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