Aug 15 2012

The Real Teachers

Posted at 4:09 pm under Estridge

Today during Math Workshop, we talked, for the second day, about how to use drawings to help us solve math problems. We practiced a story problem together on the dry erase board.

“Kynden went to the fair and rode on 7 rides,” I said. Aidan helped by drawing seven circles on the board.

Then I said, “Later, Kynden rode 4 more rides. How many rides did she ride all together.” Aidan drew four more circles and then counted the whole group. “She rode eleven!” Aidan exclaimed.

I then sent students out to go solve a new story problem independently. I fully expected them to solve it the same way we had practiced together…by drawing circles or some other shape.

Many students did choose this strategy. However, Aaliyah decided to solve the problem with a number line. Due to the uniqueness and effectivness of her strategy, I had Aaliyah come up and share at the end of the workshop.

Aaliyah draws her number line on the dry erase board for the whole class to see.

The students were completely engaged as she shared how to use her number line. And I was thrilled! As a teacher, it is one of my greatest joys to have students’ learning come from the learning of another student. I find that to be much more authentic and meaningful for the class, than if I teach a lesson on it myself. If I were to bet, I’d say that we will have quite a few students trying to solve tomorrow’s math problems with a number line!

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