Aug 16 2012

Peace Agreements

Posted at 5:34 pm under Clark

Today we finalized our peace agreements for the classroom.  Our agreements have been a week in the making.  Last week, as I shared, we talked about what we wanted to learn at school and that turned into our hopes and dreams for the school year.  This week I asked the kids, “How do we make sure that every friend is able to reach their hopes and dreams?  What do we need to do?”  As a class we decided that we needed to come up with agreements. Together, we listed everything that we thought was important to do in a classroom (ie: be safe, share, take turns, etc.).  We then sorted them into three categories; friends, materials, and ourselves.  Today we made an agreement for each category.

1. Respect Our Materials

2. Respect Our Friends

3. Respect Ourselves

The kids were so happy about these three.  Jonah even said, “there are only three…that’s so easy to remember!  When I asked what we should call them Reid responded with, “peace agreements so we can remember to be peaceful in class!”  That says it all doesn’t it? 🙂


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