Aug 20 2012

We’re all different, and that’s OK!

Posted at 4:58 pm under Estridge

This morning, at the beginning of Readers Workshop, I read the book, The Littlest Acorn. It is a beautiful story about an acorn to runs into a tall pine tree, a brightly colored daisy, and a sweet smelling rose. With each encounter, the little acorn notices how different he is from the other plants and wonders what might be special about him. In the end we learn that the Little Acorn grows up into a strong, tall tree.

After reading the book, I sent students out for their independent reading time. After they read independently, all students returned to the rug for share time. Today, Abel shared his reading. He read some of his book, Grumpy Bird. When Abel was done, I asked him what he did to help him read his books today. He said that he looked at the pictures and the words. This lead into a discussion about differences in our reading and our books. All of last week, we talked about how good readers can read books by looking at the pictures. However, today, Abel showed us that good readers can look at the words in their books too.

This week, I am going to begin putting books into your children’s reading bags. Some of the books will be based on your child’s interests. Others will be based on their reading needs. The conversation today was great because it affirmed students that when that happens, some of us will have books with lots of pictures. Some of us will have books with pictures and words, and some of us will have books with lots of words and few to no pictures. All of those things are different, but just like the story about the Little Acorn, we know that different isn’t bad. We’re all different and that ok!

Abel reading Grumpy Bird in the share chair!

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