Aug 21 2012

Just Right Books

Posted at 8:40 pm under Cegielski,School 60

Today in Reader’s Workshop I told the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  We discussed how Goldilocks kept trying to find things that were “just right” for her.  We realized that as readers, we also need to find “just right” books.  The students had so many great strategies for figuring out if their books were “just right” for them: “You can look at the title and see if you think you’ll like it” “You can see how many words are hard for you. . . 4 or 5 means its too hard” “You can make sure that you are understanding your story.” After we read David shared that he found a just right book in his book bag because he understood it and there were only a few tricky words.  I am so proud of our progress in Reader’s Workshop.  The students are already reading independently for about 15-20 minutes.  We will keep working on finding “just right” books all week!


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