Aug 21 2012


Posted at 5:15 pm under School 60

Sharing is such an important part of our day. With each workshop we end with a sharing time. During this time the children are the experts sharing what they have worked on during the independent time. What I love about the sharing time is that the children are teaching each other. They are sharing what strategies they worked on or sharing how proud they are with themselves with others.

The three pictures I am sharing today are three examples of what sharing looks like. Joe is sharing a book that he read today during Readers Workshop! He was so proud of himself and we wanted to share that with others. While reading, you could see Joe just beaming with confidence which is what we want from our readers!

Heaven worked on creating a story with blocks with Selah, Alejandra, and Jamari. While I was conferencing with her, I noticed that she was telling me all about what they had built but it was not in a story format. It was “This is my house. This is the road. This is the car. etc.” So, I challenged Heaven to tell a story using those ideas. When it was time to share, Heaven did an amazing job telling the story. She started with “Once upon a time…”and told a great story!

Alejandra, I noticed, did something that we had not talked about before during Math Workshop today. She opened her notebook and she circled the numbers in the number story so that it would be easier to remember what the numbers were. I thought that was a brilliant idea (I was going to introduce that strategy next week) and it came from Alejandra! The children really complimented her on that strategy so I am interested to see if anyone does it tomorrow.




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