Aug 23 2012

Dentists and Teeth

Posted at 6:27 pm under Bowers

The past few weeks, students have been very interested in reading stories out of our teeth book basket during free choice time.  We have had multiple celebrations when classmates have lost a tooth and have listened to each other share about the first time they lost a tooth.  Last week, I set out dental tools meant to be used with Play-Dough for children to engage with during free choice time.  Students immediately began to mold teeth, fix each others teeth, and explore other ways to use the tools!

Today, I set out a dental vest meant for dress up to see what response the students would have to it.  They started asking questions that provoked a great class conversation about the vest and what we knew about what was in it!  Some observations we made included:

  • The tools in the vest pocket are all used by a dentist when you go for a check-up.
  • There is a tooth brush in the back pocket and we all brush our teeth at home.
  • The drill is used when someone has a cavity.
  • A dentist wears a mask so that nobody spreads germ.
  • Dentists wear the vest so everyone knows who is in charge!
Some questions we still have included:
  • What are teeth made of?
  • Why do teeth fall out?
  • Why do some people lose teeth before others?
  • How do you become a dentist?
  • Do your teeth really fall out if you eat too much candy?

Tomorrow, the vest will be set out during free choice time, so check back tomorrow to see what happens when students are able to play the role of dentist!

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