Aug 24 2012

Gifts and Math Games

Posted at 5:01 pm under School 60

The last few weeks we have been talking about gifts: what they are, why we have them, why they are important to have and share. We have noticed that friends have started to use vocabulary like: “He is showing the gift of sharing!”

Today we went around during our share time and shared one gift that each of us possess. It was lovely because there was such a variation of gifts: from having the gift of art to having the gift of dribbling to having the gift of sharing. We are going to continue to look closely at the gifts that each of us possess as it will help us continue to grow as a community.

We also played math games today instead of doing math notebooks (this will be a regular schedule for now: Monday-Thursday we will do math notebooks and Friday math games). It was dominoes today! We partnered up and the children played so amazingly well together! What I was having them focus on was not who was winning (not one game was finished) but matching numbers. It was a great exercise on one-to-one correspondence and counting. After we got done playing, we circled up and talked about what went well and what did not, and every person that shared discussed how their friends were fair when playing and that it was fun! I look forward to playing more games.

Starting next week Miss Jeffrey will be teaching some of the minilessons each day. We are looking at this opportunity as a co-teaching opportunity so I will always be there to add anything just like she will always be there to add anything. We are looking forward to this opportunity.


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