Sep 04 2012

What is meteorologist?, Story Workshop, and Subtraction

Posted at 7:52 pm under School 60

We were so excited to see the children today enter the classroom ready for a great day at The Lab School!

We asked a question today: What is a meteorologist? The children responded with great ideas-“someone who tells the weather,” “someone who studies meteors,” “someone who saves people.” We are going to study further what a meteorologist does and hopefully get a visit from one soon!

We have been focusing on telling stories for the past month. Today we started something new. We decided to have a more focused structure to how we are going to work Story Workshop. First the children will plan their story using whatever material they choose. The next day or once they are done planning their story, they will write their story down in a writers workshop book. They will use a printed picture of their planned story with materials to help them with their story. Once they are finished with that (should take at least two days) they can decide whether or not they would like to make a final copy (which would be added to our classroom library for all to read) or they can start planning a new story. This structure that we are using will allow the children to plan, write, edit, revise, publish stories throughout the year. Miss Jeffrey and I were really impressed today as many friends worked so hard writing down their stories!!

Since the beginning of school we have been doing addition number stories during math workshop. Today we began doing subtraction, and the children did a nice job working on those problems. Some were continuing to add the two numbers, but they did such a nice job for the first day! We talked about drawing pictures to help us figure the problems. Tomorrow we are going to use unifix cubes to help us figure out how to subtract!

On a personal note, my daughter Charlotte started school for the first time today! I can totally feel how you felt the first day of your child’s schooling! It was thrilling to see her be independent and excited to grow but sad to see her be independent and excited to grow.




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