Sep 05 2012

New Butler Teachers, Word Work, and Weather Report

Posted at 6:41 pm under School 60

Today our 3 Butler teachers started in our class. Every Wednesday (and the occasional Monday) our 3 new Butler teachers will be in our classroom! They did a great job this first day just jumping in and engaging with the children. I look forward to having them in our class this semester. Their names are Miss Hammer, Miss Neifert, and Miss Wessels just in case your child starts talking about various things they did with the teachers.

Today we started Word Work. During this time we break up into groups and work with letters and words-building words, chunking words, tracing letters working on letter formation, sorting words according to various patterns, etc. This will be a time that we can just focus on the letter\word\sentence formation which will aid us in our writing.

Isai came in today with a weather report written down! At the end of the day he shared his weather report with his friends, and I was so impressed with his work! The children were excited about Isai forecasting the weather for the rest of the week. We will see if this catches on…




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