Sep 06 2012

An Overview of our Day

Posted at 5:52 pm under Cegielski

It was great to be back in the classroom today after being at a Writer’s Workshop training yesterday! I was happy to see all of the children! Here is an overview of what we did today. . .

Yoga: We learned the sun salutation sequence. See if your student can show you the series of moves that makes up the sun salutation.

Morning Meeting: We are working on using our words to help us solve problems independently.  We learned about BUG statements and we role played some problem solving situations.  Ask your child what a BUG statement is and if they’ve used one.  (Many of them have!)

Reader’s Workshop: We learned our first strategy for when we get stuck on a word: Look for chunks to help you figure it out! Can your child find chunks in a word while they do their reading tonight?

Word Study: I modeled using highlighter tape to find words that rhymed in a rhyming book.  Tomorrow the students will work in partners to do this.

Library: We picked a new book today and the students were able to bring this book home. Be sure to send the book back next Thursday!

Math Workshop: I challenged the students to use a number line as one of their strategies in their math notebooks today.  We made our first strategy poster about using a number line!

De’Onna and Tevona role play problem solving. They high fived after they fixed the problem!


Martavious shares his number line strategy poster!


Playing one of our favorite games in Closing Meeting: ZOOM!

Reading our new books in the library!




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