Sep 07 2012

Word Study and New Math Sort

Posted at 4:42 pm under Cegielski

Today in word study the students worked in partners to read rhyming books.  They had a new material to use, highlighter tape, to highlight the rhyming words.  I noticed so many students helping their buddies and having great conversations about which words rhymed.  It was great to see them apply our rhyming work to words in the text today.

We also learned a new math sort.  Students were given different addition sentences and they had to decide if the answer was more than a certain number, less than that number, or the same as that number.  Some students had target numbers of 10 or even 16.  There was a lot of thinking going on as they solved and then sorted their answers.  This is one more activity that will be in their math boxes next week!


Have a great weekend! Remember our first Family Night is next Tuesday from 6-7!

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