Oct 25 2012


Posted at 4:00 pm under Argus

As a staff, we have been studying the work of master teacher Ron Berger. One of the things Ron suggests doing with classrooms is having critique sessions. We have decided to adopt this strategy to help improve our work! Last week, Mr. Henderson and the kids started talking about giving “likes” and “hopes” for friends’ work. We talked about how it always needs to be kind and helpful to the friend being critiqued. The other day, we did observational drawings of some pumpkins and squash. Today, we revisited those drawings and critiqued them anonymously. As a class, we did a quiet gallery walk and admired each person’s work. Then, we chose one work to write a “like” and a “hope” for. We shared our likes and hopes and talked about the importance of being specific so we can help one another. The kids did so well with it. We are excited to continue to delve into the idea of critique and we’re excited to see how this helps our class communities grow even stronger.

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