Nov 15 2012
Environment Seminar
On Monday, November 12 the Block A students took part in a mini-workshop that focused on classroom environment. Mr. Nunn, Ms. Fogler and Bob Price led the workshop and it was highly successful! We formed groups and completed brain mapping activities to express our thoughts and questions toward the idea of environment as the third teacher. We also engaged in a “field trip” to the PreSchool room! Ms. Fogler wanted to show off the work her students had been doing with food coloring, water and plastic bottles. We were invited to explore the provocation they had set up in the hallway. Our class later found out that the PreSchoolers spend most of their time investigating how the bottles full of water respond to sunlight, but most of us found it more interesting to smell and shake them. How intellectual of us, right?
After the field trip we hiked back down to our classroom to play around with the idea of furniture as a part of the environment. Mr. Price arranged the chairs in many different ways and asked us to really think about what each set up allowed in terms of classroom communication and openness. From there we concluded our workshop by asking any lingering questions and discussing how we might implement this into our practicum classrooms.
Written by: Rachel Head, Mollie Bates and Margaret Hurt