Dec 13 2012

Vertices and 3D Shapes

Posted at 4:41 pm under Cegielski

As a part of our geometry exploration today, the students used new materials to create shapes…gumdrops and toothpicks! While we were building we discovered that the gumdrops are called vertices, the place where two sides meet.  When someone asked Chairo about the gumdrops he responded with “These aren’t gumdrops today. We are using them as vertices.”  Cameron made the connection “Vertices are really like corners.”  The students also began building 3D shapes.  This was a great way for me to see what they already know about 3D shapes.  During share time we noticed a pattern with 2D shapes: the number of sides is the same as the number of vertices.

One response so far

One Response to “Vertices and 3D Shapes”

  1.   Matt Harrison 14 Dec 2012 at 10:52 am 1

    Is that an ice pack on my kid’s knee? facepalm…

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