Sep 22 2011

Goldilocks and the Beginning, Middle, and End

Posted at 3:58 pm under Argus

This week, we have been reading classic fables such as The Little Red Hen, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have been comparing and contrasting the stories and also talking about how stories have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Today, we read Goldilococks and the Three Bears and sequenced pictures from the story on beginning, middle, end charts we made. Some friends in class even labeled their pictures and wrote sentences to describe each section of the story. I have also challenged the students to have a beginning, middle, and end to their stories in Writer’s Workshop and they have been doing a great job. On Monday, Journey wrote a story about learning to write a bike. On the first page, she wrote, ‘Age 4, riding with training wheels.’ On the second page, she wrote, ‘Age 5, no training wheels, but riding slow.’ On the last page, Journey wrote, “Age 6, riding with no training wheels and fast!” When you read at home with your child, try to see if you can identify the beginning, middle, and end of the story.

Angela's beginning, middle, end Goldilocks portrayal.

Lucas- “Mrs. Argus, I’m going to use 5 plus detail AND I’m going to do a beginning, middle, end in my story!”

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