Oct 07 2011

The Bunny Hop

Posted at 3:59 pm under Argus

In math workshop, we have been discussing the purpose of a number line and how it may help us in solving our math problems. We initially created a number line from the number from one to twenty, and it was then extended to twenty five (to help a friend answer a math problem whose answer was twenty five). The other day, we were trying to solve a problem that had a much higher answer than 25. One of our friends brought up a desire to have a number line that went higher than twenty five. Some friends wanted one that went to thirty. One wanted one up to fifty! Someone suggested that it get built up to one hundred and everyone got really excited and agreed on that. For the past couple of days, we have been creating our number line on our floor. We have been taking turns creating numbers in order on little cards and taping them to the floor in sequence. We have finally reached our goal- one hundred! We even used the number line today to figure out how many more positive points we needed for a celebration (our goal is 50, we have 43). The kids walked along the number line from 43 to 50, and counted 7 steps. Thus, we only need seven more points!

In talking about the number line, we revisited one of our math games we played at the beginning of the year, The Bunny Hop. This game has a mini number line that goes from 1 – 20, and each player rolls a dice and “hops” their bunny that many spaces untill they get to 20. The first one to 20 is the winner. After playing The Bunny Hop with partners, I decided that the kids needed to learn the real Bunny Hop dance ( you know, the one that they do at weddings and other banquet hall functions 🙂 ) I was shocked that most of the kids had never done The Bunny Hop! We sure have some great dancers.


I will certainly miss all of our friends over fall break! I hope all of our families have a wonderful and safe break. See you in two weeks!

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