Oct 26 2011

Clowes Hall!

Posted at 8:20 pm under Bucher

Today was such a beautiful fall day for our study trip Clowes!  The children did such a nice job of listening to the tour guides at Clowes, and they learned and saw so much of Clowes today.  We saw and discussed the “three sheets” posters of the Clowes Hall performances, we had a discussion in the main lobby of Clowes, and then we went into the theater.  In the theater we sat in the chairs and talked about what we saw.  We went on the stage and learned about the shell that was up for the orchestra.  Then we went backstage and saw the behind the scenes stage area.  After we went backstage we had the honor of riding the orchestra pit down to the basement of Clowes, and boy, it was quite the exciting part of our trip.  The children seemed quite excited for this part of the tour!  After we were done riding the pit, we went and had snack in the green room followed by a trip to the dressing room (where the bright bulbs were surrounding the mirrors).  Once we were finished with that part we went outside and did observational drawings of the outside of Clowes.  It was a fun filled and educational trip that I know will help us prepare for our own puppet shows!

I want to give a special thanks to all of the volunteers that were able to make it today!  I hope you all had a good time!

Friends working on their observational drawings of Clowes Hall!

As we were going down in the pit!

As we are walking into the theater!

This is when we first arrived at Clowes...

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