Oct 31 2011

Pumpkin Seeds- Yum!

Posted at 5:14 pm under Argus

Angela tries the pumpkin seeds. Does she like them?

 Fall is such an exciting time, with the arrival of changing and falling leaves, pumpkins, and Halloween! Today, our class celebrated the fall season by doing a pumpkin investigation by estimating a pumpkin’s height, weight, and seed count, and then testing our estimations. We discovered that our large pumpkin was exactly 12 inches tall, weighed 14 pounds, and had over 500 seeds inside! WOW! We couldn’t believe all of those seeds came from inside just one pumpkin! It took a long time for us to count, but we did it! And what does one class do with all of those 500 seeds, you may ask! Roast them, of course! We enjoyed our roasted seeds with a little salt at the end of the day. Most of the kids seemed to really enjoy them and said they tasted like popcorn. I never realized it before, but they do kind of taste like popcorn! To top the day off, we carved two pumpkins in small groups and have them displayed outside our classroom to show to our friends. Zek came up with the wonderful idea of writing our names on the pumpkins so tomorrow we will be writing our names on the backs to show our class unity.

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