Nov 09 2011

So hardworking…

Posted at 9:20 pm under Bucher

Today, we had such a good day filled with some serious hard work in preparing for our puppet shows as well as creating wonderful books, solving problems during math workshop, and reading with some great enthusiasm.  Earlier this week we began talking about verbs with the ending -ing.  Today we began talking about words with the -ed ending.  Since we have begun talking about the endings in words, the children have been spotting them all around us!  It is amazing to see their commitment and enthusiasm for learning!

We have a couple of three sheeters almost finished, some sets to include in some of the shows, and let me tell you about these puppets-today, with the support of our Butler students, the children worked so hard to continue to add to their puppets.  Each time we worked on them, they were so engaged in preparing their puppets and adding more materials to make it more like they want it to look.  At the end of the day we decided to perform our shows for each other.  I had to read the stories so fast so each group could use their puppets and perform.  Even though it was a quick run though, the children really were excited about performing for each other.

I was so proud of them!

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