Nov 28 2011

Welcome back!

Posted at 8:00 pm under Bucher

Today was such a productive day!  The kids noticed that we had a new agenda on our board today so they were excited to see that (nothing changed except we added yoga, daily news, and spelling work to it).  🙂

We started spelling work today.  During this time, the children are reading their library books.  As they are reading their books, I am calling a group over at a time (3-5 children) to work on 5 spelling words.  It is a short process-5 minutes tops.  Each day we will work on the same five spelling words, but we will look at/work on different things with those words.  Then on Friday, we will add them to our individual word wall book as well as the word wall.  The children were SO enthusiastic about this-some even saying, “I love spelling!  I do not want to stop!”

The five words this week are:  “and”, “the”, “we”, “my”, and “me”.  Feel free to work on these at home.

Today many of the children were asking if we were going to have another pajama party.  I told them that we needed or could earn another party by continuing to make those great choices we have been making.  So, after some discussion about how many points we needed to earn (some said twenty even though that was lower than our original 25 point goal) we came up that we needed to earn 35 points.

Then we discussed what we are going to do for our party.  There were ideas like a disco party, a party where we dress up like famous people, a game party, a cake and ice cream party, and a fancy dress party.  The votes were tabulated and it was between the fancy dress party and game party.  The fancy dress party won!  Now, some of our friends were not so happy of this final vote, but we talked about how at least everyone got a vote and maybe next time their vote will win the party (I have not told them yet, but there will be some games at this fancy dress party so I think the friends that were not happy will be excited about that).

One other exciting part of our day was when I introduced the Doubles Rap (you can search Doubles Rap (I Can Add Doubles) on You Tube to see it).  We have been talking about doubles (1+1, 2+2, etc.) in Math Workshop so finding this rap was just perfect timing!  The children caught on so quickly to the song that by end of the day they were singing all of the words!  I was impressed, and they said, “Can we listen to it again?”

Hope you all had a nice break and welcome back!

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