Dec 01 2011

The Evolution of Dance and a Canned Food Drive

Posted at 7:14 pm under Argus

Aidan’s contageous smile and laughter draws attention from our friends.
As you may have heard, the children have learned a doubles addition song that we love to song everyday during math workshop. The kids love it so much that they often request to hear it over and over again! Today during studio and explore, some of the kids asked if I could project the song up on the big screen and they could dance to it. They sang and laughed and clapped to the song and once it was over, they demanded, “Play it again!” So of course, I played the awesome doubles song again and this time, the kids were drawn to Aidan as he sang and danced this time to the music. Several other kids tried out some of Aidan’s dance moves and they danced together in harmony. After the second time the song played, the kids asked, “Can we play it again!?” More kids joined in Aidan’s dancing and I noticed many of the kids dancing were holding hands and dancing together in a line. During one part of the song, some of those kids did the same dance move insync with one another. After the song ended, we talked about how neat it had looked and I suggested creating another dance move for another part of the song. More friends joined into the conversation and by this point, we had the whole class suggesting moves for different parts. Needless to say, I think we played the doubles song about 15 times (no exaggeration) at the end of the day and we almost have a full dance routine to this song. We will have to present it for you at some point- so much fun!

The entire class is joined in dance!

We also have started a canned food drive here at the Lab School. Miss Schmidt led a discussion today with the class about why our school is doing a food drive and how some people in the world are hungry and in need of help. The kids were so thoughtful during the discussion. We decided we wanted to keep track of how many cans we have brought in and created a graph to track our progress. The cans will be counted each Thursday and added to the graph. Please bring in any canned goods your family is able and willing to donate!

Miss Schmidt talks with us about needy families and giving back to the community.Friends post our canned foods graph.


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