Dec 09 2011

Friendship Wreath

Posted at 6:19 pm under Bucher

Happy Friday to you all!  Today, Mrs. Thomas, came into our class to do a lesson on friendship.  She sang “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” stopping at various points in the song when the other reindeer were not being very nice, and she talked about that.  Then she discussed with the class ways to be a good friend or ways the reindeer could have been a good friend to Rudolph.  The children came up with a myriad of ways to be a good friend including helping and sharing. Then the children cut out their handprint and glued it on a piece of paper to make a friendship wreath. We talked about how if one hand is gone then our wreath is not complete so we need to all try our hardest to be good friends to each other.

We stopped Math Workshop a little early today to discuss what we could do to remember what being a good friend means, and the children came up with some novel ideas.  Geneva said, “We could make nametags, and we could have the Golden Rule on it.  Then we could always remember it while we are at school.”  Madeline P.  said, “We could make a list and when someone is a good friend we could add that friend’s name on it so we know that they were being a good friend.” We will see what other ways the children decide to show and remember how to be a good friend.

With the holiday season here in full swing, we are going to explore this idea of being a friend and giving more.  I am excited to see how our classroom family grows with us focusing on friendship and giving.

Our Friendship Wreath!

Jamari using his individual word wall notebook to help him spell some words in his writer's workshop book!

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