Jan 09 2012

Friendship Circle!

Posted at 8:28 pm under Argus,Bucher

Welcome back!  It was so good to see all of the kiddos today.  We had such a good day filled with hard workers, engaged learners, and new experiences.

One of those new experiences happened at the end of the day today.  Mrs. Argus’ class and our class went to an empty classroom where we had our first Friendship Circle.  Both of our classes have been talking about friendship and what it means to be a good friend and take care of our friends.  Over break Mrs. Argus and I had several conversations about how we could have our two classes work together and meld their ideas of what friendship looks like.  We thought maybe by doing a Friendship Circle each Monday and Friday we could focus our two classes and celebrate how friendship is established, cared for, and lasting.

So…today we met and discussed that we were going to meet on Mondays and Fridays together as one big Friendship Circle.  The children were THRILLED!  Then, we introduced the Friendship Loom.  This loom we discussed as a group is something to show how we are caring for our friends.  During Lunch and Recess when a teacher or maybe it is another child notices someone being kind to another person then they can add a piece of fabric to our loom.  We will continue to add to it each day/week to show how our friends are being caring and loving to each other!  Today, we celebrated a few different examples of friends caring for friends.

We look forward to seeing where this goes!

Mrs. Argus explaining the loom to the friends in class!

Working together to weave the fabric.

Celebrating our good friends!

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