Feb 01 2012

New Butler Teachers, Clocks, and Interviews

Posted at 7:55 pm under Bucher

What a day!  We welcomed four new Butler teachers into our room today!  These four teachers, Miss Kouri, Miss Olerich, Miss Templeton (who has been in our class quite a bit before), and Miss Kesler (who also has been in our room a bit).  They did such an amazing job on their first day!  They were engaged with the children, facilitating wonderful conversations, and really working hard building relationships with the class community.  I am really excited to see how the rest of the semester goes with these wonderful teachers!

This week we have begun to talk about time.  Yesterday we began to make a class clock.  Today we finished it and the friends in class then made their very own clocks out of paper plates.  They were so engaged during this time (no pun intended), and have really enjoyed learning and discussing time with each other.  I have even seen some friends start wearing their watches to school.  🙂

We have been talking about biographies in class, and on Monday the children learned that they would be interviewing each other and then writing books about a friend in class.  We picked names for partners, we came up with interview questions, we watched Kermit the frog interview the first teacher ever, and today we interviewed each other!  I cannot begin to tell you how engaged the children were, how excited and truly interested they were in finding out about their friends, and how nicely they worked together.  I am really looking forward to seeing the children’s biographies come to life!

Beautiful picture of Tevona sharing her yoga pose

Jonah and Makayla working so well together during the interviews.

Miss Kouri working with some friends making their own clocks.

Our class clock!

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