Feb 07 2012

Wow, What A Day :)

Posted at 8:24 pm under Clark,School 60

I came back to a very active class today.  There were so many things to share I could not pick one!  Here are a short collection of stories from our day.

Check out our grass!!

This morning, as the kids filtered into our classroom I was greeted by, “Mrs. Clark!  Did you see our grass??!!  It’s growing out of the gloves!!”  The kids were so excited to see what was happening.  It was the chatter in the classroom all day.

Olivia and Sophia starting on their biographies

I felt as if this whole day was really exciting because when we got to Writer’s Workshop the kids could not wait to write their biographies.  They are working with the same partner they interviewed last week and today they had a chance to actually start working on their books.  It was so great to see them use their resource (interview) to help them write.

Dorothy is on the "Clock Hunt."

During Math Workshop today we went on a “clock hunt.”  The kids had to go around the room and read multiple different clocks.  While it was a fun activity for them, it was also very informative for me.  I was impressed to see how well the kids are grasping the concept of telling time.

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