Mar 07 2012

Observational Drawings and Down by the Banks

Posted at 7:59 pm under Bucher

Yesterday we started working on observational drawings of rockets to help us look at rockets closer.  The children have really done such a nice job taking their time and drawing what they see.  This helps us be a better scientist because we are going to continue to observe many things with space!

Today because Writer’s Workshop ran longer than expected, we played Down by Banks…(it is usually a game that is played at camps).  The children had SO much fun playing this game and really just enjoyed themselves which was fun to see.  We finished the last round singing the song in an opera voice which was SO funny.

Our spacesuits and helmets are coming slowly but with much enthusiasm!  Did I tell you that they decided to have one for each friend?  How awesome is that!

Working hard on making paper mache helmets!

Sydney working hard on an observational drawing of a space shuttle!

Playing Down by the Banks together!

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