Mar 12 2012


Posted at 4:54 pm under Clark

I am so excited to be back in the swing of things with the kids today!  I had a lot to share with them about the professional development trip to Portland, and I will be sharing some on the blog over the next few weeks!

Today we started a new unit in our Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop.  We began talking about retelling.  Over the next few weeks we are going to use fairy tales help us retell stories.  Today, during Writer’s Workshop, we used the book, The Little Red Hen.  The kids helped me point out the characters and the setting.  At the end of our book I encouraged them to possibly retell one of their own favorite stories.  I was so impressed to see how many kids took that suggestion and started writing about Goldilocks, The Little Red Hen, and more!

Dorothy is retelling the story of The Little Red Hen in Writer's Workshop.



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