Mar 20 2012

Strategy Posters

Posted at 4:22 pm under Argus

Over the past week or so, we have tried something new to show our learning: strategy posters. When a child uses a novel idea to help them work through a problem, they are asked to make a poster of their thinking to be displayed in the room. This poster then serves as a guide for other children who may be encountering the same type of problem. This not only encourages kids to take ownership in thier own learning, but also encourages them to look to one another for help when problem solving and collaborate. Right now, we have six addition strategy posters and three posters about what to do when you come to a new word in reading. Look for them at Family Night on Thursday at 6pm!

One response so far

One Response to “Strategy Posters”

  1.   scottgoldsmithon 21 Mar 2012 at 9:33 am 1

    fabulous. Love what you are doing!

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