Apr 11 2012
Dandelion Mystery
Every morning, we have a share time during our morning meeting. The Friday before our break, during our meeting, Tajanaye brought in what looked like a white dandelion seeds attached to a stem. She shared that she believed the plant to be a flower. The class began a lively discussion about whether or not the plant was a weed or a flower. Many felt strongly supporting one opinion or the other. As a class, we decided we would explore the concept the next day. Friends were invited to find dandelions outside and bring them in for dissection.
I think I saw something in there. Lucas
What? Mrs. Argus
Something white. Look inside! Lucas
I don’t see it! Oh! I think there’s a stem right here. Aidan
So if it has a stem, is it a weed? Mrs. Argus
No! Sascha, come open the flower! Or the weed! I don’t know which one! I’ve never had this experience! Lucas
Its milk! Look at the white thing! Its milk. Aidan
(Lucas and Carriea come over with a book.)
They’re weeds! They’re weeds! It says their weeds!
I remember when we read the thank you plants book and it had cornfields in it. It’s a connection. And this says sometimes sunflowers are weeds when they come up in a corn field. Carriea
(Lucas points to a picture.) It’s the dandelion with all of its stuff in it. Lucas
What’s the stuff in it? Mrs. Argus
I think it might have been the milk being pulled. Lucas
What’s this? David
It’s the nutrients being pulled. Being pulled from the flowers. Lucas
This looks like an umbrella. David
Want to see a cut open one? Lucas Cool huh?
I got this! These are things that turn into weeds! (points to the seeds on the dandelion) Michael
How does it turn into a weed? Mrs. Argus
All it needs is a rainbow to turn into a weed! I just figured out the mystery. These do turn into the weeds! Michael
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