Apr 16 2012

Snakes and Pennies…What an Exciting Day!

Posted at 4:45 pm under Clark,School 60

Kristien is sharing his snake painting.

As we shared last week, we finished writing the first draft of our play.  This week we are going to be working on revising it.  Today we made our first attempt at this.  As a class we decided on the protocol to revise.  If a friend has an idea they can present it to the class and together we vote on if we would all like to include it in the play. (This is everyone’s play so we all have a say!)  This afternoon, Kristien brought a new character to our play.  He wanted to revise the play and add a snake to the story.  He explained his thoughts and together we all decided to add the new character!


This afternoon, during Math Workshop, we started to talk and learn about pennies.  As we start studying money, I can already tell that the kids are excited about it!  Today we talked about it’s value and the different things we noticed about the penny.

BreAnna is looking for Abraham Lincoln on the penny.


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