Apr 16 2012

Pennies and Planet Representations

Posted at 5:15 pm under School 60

Today we began talking and learning about the penny! Mr. Nored taught the children a song about the penny to the tune of B-I-N-G-O. It was so much fun to see the children pay so close attention while he was teaching the song to them. Maybe ask the children tonight if they can sing it to you. We also learned a new game where there were piggy banks with different amounts of change on them. The children worked in partners and one at a time they had to flip over a pig. Whatever the amount was on the pig they had to show that amount with the coins. The children LOVED this game and were sad to see the time end.

We have been talking about showing our planet research to an audience. Today I worked with two groups who wanted to videotape their knowledge of their planets. I am so excited to work with the other groups on their planet representation.


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