May 10 2012

Sooooo sorry for the delay!

Posted at 8:22 pm under Bucher

Hi there!  So, I just wanted to apologize for the delay in posts.  We do not have internet service at our new house so I have not been able to get posts done.  Tomorrow night though we are supposed to get internet service so then I will be able to get back to the posts each night.

This week we had an amazing turn out for the Space Presentation!  Thank you so much for coming and supporting all of the children in the class!  Like I said that night, I was so proud of each child presenting!  They were so proud of their work and just soaked in all of the attention that you all brought!  Thank you for making it a special night!

Mr. Nored’s last day with us was today.  The kiddos were so sweet making cards for him all day, hugging him, telling him they were going to miss him.  It was precious.  He has become part of our classroom community so we will definitely miss him, but he has a bright future ahead of him in Brownsburg!

Yesterday we started talking about the astronauts (us) coming back into space and how that happens.  We discussed how we know of two ways that astronauts come back into space.  They either land their shuttle like an airplane or they come back and land in water for a safe landing.  So…I brought in some eggs yesterday and the children decorated them like themselves.  Then, today we started making homes for them out of found materials (styrofoam bowls, cups, paper towels, etc.).  Tomorrow we are going to drop them from the top of the slide out on the playground to see if we constructed a safe enough home for our astronaut!  The kiddos are super excited for this astronaut egg drop so pictures will be coming to show what happens tomorrow afternoon!


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