Aug 13 2012

Story Workshop

Posted at 5:46 pm under Clark,School 60

Joseph is writing down his skateboard story after he built it out of blocks.

Today, in Story Workshop, we added blank books as one of the choices for the kids to use.  As a class we talked about how they could create their stories using materials and then write down the story or how they could create a little and then write a little.  The goal with introducing the blank books later was for the kids to see how powerful the materials can be alone and how they can help add to the original stories.  It was great to see how many of the students chose to write while they were creating!  They wanted to remember their story!

Story Workshop is something that I am really excited about this year as a teacher.  In the past, we have has Writer’s Workshop for our writing.  While the two workshops are very similar, in my opinion, Story Workshop allows for even more creativity.  The kids are able to use manipulatives and materials to act out, paint, sculpt, or even draw before they put the story all together.  In the past, they were limited to paper, and writing materials such as crayons, pencils, pens, and markers.  With Story Workshop, they are going to be able to use clay, collage, blocks, natural materials, watercolors, oil pastels, and even more!     These materials can help the kids add more details to their stories! It adds a deeper level to their creations.  It is almost as if they are creating their first “draft” when they are using the manipulatives.  I am looking forward to seeing where Story Workshop takes us this year!

One response so far

One Response to “Story Workshop”

  1.   robinbeeryon 13 Aug 2012 at 11:54 pm 1

    There’s a quote from the “Creative Credo” of the painter Paul Klee that this reminded me of: “”The work of art … is above all a process of creation, it is never experienced as mere product. A certain fire, an impulse to create, is kindled, is transmitted through the hand, leaps to the canvas, and in the form of a spark leaps back to its starting place, completing the circle”

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