Aug 14 2012

Story Stones and It’s Not a Stick!

Posted at 6:24 pm under School 60

Yesterday I introduced story stones to our classroom community. Story stones are black stones that have cut out pictures that are modge podged onto them. These story stones are a tool that the children can use if they are needing support coming up with a story idea during story workshop. Today was so much fun because we had three friends pick a stone at random, and then three other friends had to come up with a story using those stones. The three stones selected were a clock, a piece of broccoli, and …I am having trouble remembering the third. It was so funny including broccoli in the story, but it was a great example for the children to see that by using these stones stories can come alive. During Story Workshop then, a group of friends used the stones to create some great stories. I loved having discussions with them about their chosen stones and stories as well as beginning, middle, and end.

Yesterday we began playing this game called “It’s Not a Stick.” The point of the game is that the children are in a circle. One friend goes in the middle with a yard stick. We then yell “Be careful with that stick!” The friend in the middle says “It’s not a stick” and then we ask “Then what is it?” The child in the middle then proceeds to pretend to do something or act out something with the stick, and we have to guess what the stick it! The children have really enjoyed playing this game, and they have come up with some pretty creative ideas for what the stick could be.





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