Aug 23 2012

Hopes, Dreams, Agreements

Posted at 4:54 pm under Cegielski

As we have been building our classroom community, the students have been thinking about their hopes and dreams for the school year.  Many students want to read chapter books, learn more about math, or even become scientists.  We have spent a lot of time discussing, sketching, and creating our hopes and dreams with clay.  After many drafts and a lot of perseverance the students finished their final sculptures today! We then discussed how we were going to reach our hopes and dreams and Madeline said “I think we need some hope and dream agreements.”  We worked together last week to create our classroom agreements and the students came up with: Take care of yourself, Take care of our friends, and Take care of our materials.  They made beautiful illustrations to demonstrate our agreement and we all signed it when we finished! Check back soon to see the finished hope and dream sculptures.  .  . we’ll be sending them to the kiln soon!








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