Sep 21 2012
On Tuesday every student in the class received their very on composition notebook to be used as a shark journal. Today, students had an opportunity to decorate their shark journals, and then during free choice time, a few of our friends decided to do some shark research. They began reading through our collection of shark books and writing down the fact they looked up. Here is some of the things they have learned so far…
Sharks are fish. – Abel
All sharks are predators. They eat other animals. – Abel
Whale sharks are 40 feet long. – Madeline
Great white sharks eat whales. – Madeline
Sharks sense electric fields to help them catch their pray. – Madeline
Megamouth shark means giant yawner. – Olivia
The megaladon was the largest shark. It was probably 65 feet long. – Geneva
I’m excited to see what our research uncovers next week!
In addition to doing shark research, it seems that some of our friends have been taking their new found shark interest home with them. On Wednesday, Ben made a great white shark out of a box and then brought it in to school to share! What shark stories to you have from home?
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